The ambitious vision of the Schuman Declaration is worth pursuing

May 9th marks the anniversary of the Schuman Declaration of 1950. Although originating in a past era, the essence of this declaration remains remarkably relevant: advocating for worldwide peace and emphasizing the importance of innovative initiatives. This pivotal document shifted focus towards establishing a European High Authority for Coal and Steel, a cornerstone of continental unity seen as the starting point of the modern European Union. Consequently, Europe has become a leading and nearly unrivaled example globally, promoting peace and security.

Today, Europe faces multiple challenges amidst a growing need for global peace, security, creative projects, and trust. In the rapidly evolving digital and quantum landscape, Europe is confronted with disruptive technologies, Artificial Intelligence, and cybersecurity. Furthermore, Europe is challenged by the East and South, complicated by the efforts required to formulate a unified foreign policy. Similar obstacles arise in taxation, defense, security, and intelligence. PAM and CGS actively participate in European affairs and view the continent as a shared home: the ambitious vision of 1950, though only partially fulfilled, is worth pursuing.

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