CGS/PAM in collaboration with the United Nations
In the rapidly evolving digital and quantum landscape, the relationship between the evolution of disruptive technologies and security – of which AI and cybersecurity are strategic aspects – is at the forefront. The Centre for Global Studies (CGS) is researching key data , at the request of the UN to PAM, on the malicious use […]
CGS in collaboration with the Council of Europe
Recent events and specific threats to human security have highlighted as a matter of top priority the necessity to develop strategies, methodological approaches, technological and operational settings, and dedicated training capable of dealing with increasingly complex chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRNe) scenarios, which require structured solutions and interregional plans to deal with relevant crises, […]
Radicalised individuals committing terrorist acts on European soil
The question of their surveillance and the legislations governing expulsions and public opinion’s reaction to attacks